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Morgane Groupe is made up of several entities, including Morgane Events, which concentrates on the production of festivals such as the Francofolies de la Rochelle and the Printemps de Bourges, and Morgane Production, which brings together all audiovisual production activities, including drama, magazines and concert recordings.

These include heritage programmes that have become regular fixtures on television (Le Village préféré des Français, Laissez-vous guider, Fauteuils d’orchestre and La Vie secrète des chansons), prime-time environmental programmes for France 2 (Aux arbres citoyens, Les super pouvoirs de l’Océan), and Okoo-Koo, now a daily feature on France 4.

At Morgane Production, Amélie JUAN heads up the documentary department, where she produces creative documentaries with demanding scripts, tackling issues of geopolitics, history and culture, as well as covering social issues ranging from the intimate to the investigative. Amélie recently produced The Total system – Anatomy of a multinational energy company (Arte / 90′ / 2023) by Jean-Robert Viallet and Catherine Le Gall, The Nardal sisters, the Négritude forgotten (F5 / 52′ / 2022), by Marie-Christine Gambart and Léa Mormin Chauvac, Adepts, from grip to disengagement (Arte / 52′ / 2023) directed by Karine Dusfour and Trintignant by Trintignant by Lucie Cariès and Yves Jeuland (Arte / 52′ / 2021). Her documentaries are regularly selected and awarded at festivals (Figra, Fipadoc, Festival du film d’Histoire, Les révoltés du monde, Festival international du film scientifique, Africa Human Right, Political Film Festival, Melbourne Documentary Film Festival, etc.). Since January this year Amélie has been Vice-Chair of the Audiovisual Commission of Procirep-Angoa.

Sophie PARRAULT joins the Documentary Department in spring 2024, broadening the range of documentaries on offer. Alongside Amélie, she is developing an ambitious international line-up focusing on science, discovery and human adventure. She has just launched production of her new documentary Moitessier, the man who refused glory by Sabine Emiliani (France Télévisions). Previously, Sophie was a producer at Little Big Story (2018-2024) – where she notably produced Sisters of the earth, by Christoph Schwaiger and Pascale d’Erm, 4×52′ (Arte France), Lady Sapiens, 90′ and 52′ by Thomas Cirotteau and Eric Pincas, in co-production with Idéacom International (Canada), with Ubisoft, France TV, Radio Canada, NHK, WNET 13, RTBF, Media Europe Creative… A global project accompanied by a VR experience, educational capsules and a book and Vikings, the women’s saga (Ubisoft, Nordic Eye Production (Sweden) FranceTV, SVT, Media Europe Creative) – and at Bonne Pioche for almost twenty years.





6, rue Escudier
92100 Boulogne Billancourt - FRANCE
Phone: +33 (0) 1 78 16 39 00
E-mail: sparrault@morgane-prod.fr


AST member(s):
Sophie Parrault, Producer
Amélie Juan, Producer